Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Alpha Dogs Never Go Hungry

Chester the Alpha Dog always surprises me in his ability to be an absolute opportunist. For a dog that often moves at the pace of a sloth he knows when  to move how to move and where to move.

All of these things are linked and will only bare positive results if there is the right motivation that proceeds them. 

Chester loves his food and never ceases to lack motivation in getting it. A lot us can learn from this. How often do we as people find ourselves taking action that is lack luster, half paced or even just busy work.


This is often because we don't have the backing of what we truly want behind the action. People can lose sight of vision or even on a smaller scale the goals which they are wanting to achieve.

If like Chester you stay 100% focussed on what you want you will have enough fuel for the fire to make your actions effective and the right direction so that your efforts are not placed in the wrong things.

So put yourself in Chesters place and think what is my vision or figuritively speaking what is the food that I want.

Stay Connected and Inspired.

Copyright Jeremy Reynolds 2011

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